Litigation Support
When all other avenues of resolution have failed and a claim approaches a court date, litigation support & trial preparation becomes of paramount importance. We assist litigation counsel in procuring and managing evidence, documentation, witnesses, and medical professionals.
Our team of seasoned professionals, many of which are attorneys, are well known throughout the Tri-state area court systems. They call upon their knowledge and relationships, to locate, interview, and gain the cooperation of key witnesses integral to your case. Often this can be difficult and may require us to prepare and process serve subpoenas to ensure a witness or evidence is presented.
Eyewitnesses, documents, and late stage surveillance often brings to light information that can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement costs. Because litigation progresses at an extremely slow pace - cases could come to trial a decade after the initial occurrence - we provide an integral piece of the defense case by locating and interviewing witnesses who may have long since moved on or away from the area or were never interviewed initially. We also provide a cost effective solution to locate, procure and manage the staggering amounts of medical documentation that can be associated with a trial.
We offer the following pre-trial activities to aid in litigation support:
Trial Preparation File Reviews and Consultations
Witness Transport and Management
Preparation of exhibits and presentations
Providing court testimony
Identifying, locating and interviewing key witnesses
Assisting with obtaining statements, sworn affidavits and depositions
Preparation of Subpoenas and Service of Process
Procuring and managing documents and physical evidence
Electronic document searches and examinations